Captain Fantastic (2016)
Synopsis Captain Fantastic is about a father (and recent widower), Ben Cash (portrayed by Viggo Mortensen), who looks after his six children in a remote Washington forest, teaching them the fundamentals of surviving without any distractions of greedy capitalistic agendas. By instilling survivalist skills (hunting, foraging, rock/tree climbing, building fire/shelter) and left wing ideologies, Ben hopes his children will grow up to become independent and critical of their environments. Although Captain Fantastic focuses on Ben's unconventional family as they leave the wilderness and embark on a cross-country journey, in my opinion the true message of this film is about countering the dangers of capitalism with a self-sustainable lifestyle. Discussion Watching this movie I couldn't help but make connections between the Cash family and the lifestyle of anarchists who practise forms of anti-consumption in order to reject the power structures of capitalist soci...